مقالات الصف الخامس ب


click on the link

29-01-2021 15:51

Endangered animals

lets help the animals click on the link

28-01-2021 18:27

endangered animals

lets help the animals click on the link

28-01-2021 18:22

wild animals

word wall activity

28-01-2021 18:17

a an some word wall

click on the link

28-01-2021 18:13

magic e

click on the link

28-01-2021 18:08

ch / sh / th

click on the link and start playing

18-01-2021 23:00

There is \ There are exercises

click on both links

15-01-2021 17:01

months and seasons

click on the link

15-01-2021 16:55

plural activities

click on both links

15-01-2021 16:41

school objects activities

click on both links

15-01-2021 16:30

Audio stories and fairy tales

click on the link

15-01-2021 16:24

adjectives word wall activity

click on the link

15-01-2021 14:35

word wall activity about places

click on the link and start

15-01-2021 13:55

body parts

draw the man on your note book and match each word to its part

14-01-2021 22:19

how to write a letter

write a letter to your friend

14-01-2021 22:07

English Plural

امامكم قائمة كلمات من صيغة المفرد للجمع

14-01-2021 21:18

The uses of the -s- in English

ما هي انواع ال s و كيف نستخدمها؟ اليكم استخدامات s الثلاث الاساسيات باللغة الانجليزية

05-10-2020 23:16

Demonstrative pronouns ضمائر الاشارة

this is ..that is...these are...those are

27-09-2020 17:27


امامكم جدول ادوات الاستفهام. اجب عن الاسئلة

25-09-2020 21:01


Dear pupils, here is a chart with numbers and how they are written.

25-09-2020 20:47

Weather and Seasons الفصول الاربعة و حالات الطقس

vocabulary : hot , warm, cool, cold, summer,winter,fall,spring

24-09-2020 22:34

Actions in the house

action verbs : ماذا نفعل في البيت ؟ امامكم بعضا من الافعال التي نقوم ب...

24-09-2020 22:23

Adjectives الصفات

Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Adjectives make nouns more interesting. الصفات هي كلمات ت...

24-09-2020 21:18

There is / There are

we use these artivles to confirm about certain numbers of items or to differnciate between singular and plural item...

24-09-2020 18:14
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